Iconic welcomes three schools from the 2024 academic year
iconic ecole nice
American Airlines: direct connection to the Côte d’Azur from Philadelphia
philadelphie nice american airlines
The Climate and Biodiversity Tour in Nice
nice tournée climat biodiversite
Team Nice Côte d’Azur in force at Viva Tech 2024
VivaTech 2024 Team Nice Côte d'Azur
The Festival Play Azur, a celebration of pop culture and the geek world in Nice
Entrepreneurship in Research Award 2024
Prix entrepreneuriat dans la recherche
New urban health trail in Nice
parcours santé nice
Transavia launches a new route between Nice and Dakar for winter 2024-2025
transavia nice dakar
10 startups from the French Riviera win the Scale Up Excellence program
scale up french tech cote dazur