Enedis chooses Nice for its Smart Grid Interflex Project

The Smart Grid Interflex Project, carried out by Enedis and supported by the Métropole Nice Côte d’Azur, was retained among the six laureates of the H2020 LCE2 initiative offered by the European Commission and will receive 75M€ in financial support.

In the “Low-Carbon Energy” category for European projects, Enedis chose to install the French Smart Grid Interflex in Nice. This decision comes on the heels of successful experimentation undertaken in the Nice Grid project, at Carros. Nice Grid encourages business and homes to consume less electricity by reducing and delaying their electricity consumption.

The new Smart Grid Interflex Project will allow the Côte d’Azur to delve even deeper into the field of Smart Grids, and to test different innovative solutions to reduce energy consumption, improve the production and distribution of electricity and test new methods of energy storage.

Smart Grid Interflex can now be added to the numerous Smart Grid Projects in the Côte d’Azur such as:

  • The Smart City Innovation Center: A massive showroom (300m²) where market leaders (Véolia, IBM, M20city, Orange…) research and experiment in conjunction with the University of Nice Sophia Antipolis. The Smart City Innovation Center is set up in the IMREDD (Mediterranean Institute for Risk, Environment and Sustainable Development) facilities, in the heart of the Eco Vallée.
  • FlexGrid: The laureate project chosen in response to a national call for “Smart Grid” projects, FlexGrid expects to deploy a Smart Grid system containing more than 150,000 Linky smart meters developed by Enedis.
  • Smart Campus Nice Sophia Antipolis: Ensuring that both Côte d’Azur campuses (Sophia Tech and the future Nice Méridia Eco-Campus) are references in terms of Smart Grid Projects and optimization of the resources in energy.

By adding the Smart Grid Interflex project to this network, Nice confirms its position as the 4th smartest city in the world and contributes to make the Provence-Alpes-Côtes d’Azur region, the smartest in Europe.

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